

I’m Gosia and I am a female coach specialising in pre and postnatal fitness. As a mum myself I know what challenges my clients are facing and it is commonly lack of time, energy and motivation to look after yourself. Being a mum made me realise taking care of my own health never been so important and becoming a mum strongly create a passion in me to help not only females, but mums that struggle with prioritising themselves and facing same struggles! My favourite part of the job is made women realise they can eat plenty and still lose weight! If there is a will there is always a way to go around your goals!


I am Mick and I worked with both males and females for over 10 years now. Fitness is what I live and breathe every day. I specialise in muscle building, fat loss and nutrition coaching. I actively compete in natural bodybuilding at professional level. Best part of my job is to make people realise how far you can push your boundaries in training. Everyone is different and finding what works & how well it can work when you actually stick to it will do a magic. You probably will eat much more than you ever thought you could to get to the right results.

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